of creepy in that i’m really into anything “scary” and i’ve always been

You don't mind that I will write this note in English, right?

Продовжуємо короткі виписки зі щоденників з рольових
2009-10-16 19:36:09 Sometimes we fight
It's better black and white

Es extrano que empiezo mi tema personal en otra lengua, * verdad? Pues, es que no s% 26 # 233; que decir todavia y casi nadie aqui me entender% 26 # 233;. * Y por qu% 26 # 233; entonces he hecho esto tema? Como todos (pues, asi lo creo) – expresionar mis emociones. * Vamos a empezar!
2009-10-19 20:16:35
I don't like playing foolish games. You don't mind that I will write this note in English, right? Why am I doing such weird thing? Dunno. I just wanted to express here all that I have in my mind as always but … Something has changed recently. I feel like playing in a banal TV series … Somebody, please, kill me or give my brain back.
2009-10-20 19:37:08
The world has turned crazy. I feel like a traitor. Bermudian triangle, as Nat called this situation. And what should I do? Dating with one, having crush on another … I am a scum, right? Somebody, please, kill me for my crime, I confess.
2009-10-21 08:36:11
Saturday? I don't know really … Every time I talk to you I feel uneasier. It is difficult and I can't stand this. Todas as ruas de amor? No love. No peace. And my knees are trembling. Ashame on me.
2009-10-21 09:47:41
I have too many thoughts right now. I want to refuse, I've decided. Sorry. “I'm sorry for breaking all the promises that I wasn't around to keep”.
crush crush crush … ruins.
heart heart heart … knives.
love love love … traitors.
We need to talk.
2009-10-21 21:36:11
“Traitor traitor traitor!” – This voice keeps screaming in my head. What if I am a real traitor? I can't live with this!!!! And I act like a little child. I know.
And brothers are real help. I was gifted with you, bro '. You are great, really. Thank you that you are here in my world.
2009-10-21 23:22:44
Next week. Last chance for you.
Not to love you.
2009-10-22 08:20:43
Solution found.
9 days left. Be ready. 'cause I'm not.
And I hate your life-plan. I'm not that kind of man.
2009-10-22 20:42:50
What??? What will happen on Thursday??? Something special that will change everything?
NO! NO! NO! I don't love you, no!
My “love-life” is too complicated. HELP!
2009-10-23 08:10:36
“A little bit longer and I'll be fine”. Not about me. Nothing good. Too complicated. No peace.
8 days left. Try to forget.
2009-10-23 23:50:11
You are silly. I wrote everything. And … what? You don't understand ??!!!!!
2009-10-24 08:00:16
7 days left.
You are too awesome, really. You can't be so real and so shy at a time. It's unfair, you know?
And you, the first one, start “the forgetting process”!
2009-10-25 11:48:56
6 days left.
Gosh, why are you so slow, eh???
2009-10-26 11:53:26
5 days left.
Remembered that I wanted to fell in love this year. Strange decision, right? The strangest thing that I have nearly done it.
You are slow! But great. Kind. Your smile makes people feel happy. Or it only happens to me?
Can't wait 'till 5 o'clock.
2009-10-27 07:10:08
4 days left.
Probably there will be more “days left”. Awful.
I am stupid. I tell you nealy everything. And it only holds you away from me. I'm stupid, little …
2009-10-28 08:52:46
1 day left.
What happenned? I talked to your friend. Another chance for you? I don't know. Say “no” to you? I. Don't. Know!
Now everything in my mind is smashed. And it's awful. Because one day, one evening changed nearly everything.
And it's a pity that you have such a good friend.
2009-10-29 10:56:41
0 days left.
Good morning! Again. It is cute, yeah?
4 hours left.
I still dunno 'what to do.
Кава з пряником. Спогади. Врятувати капітана Джаспера.
2009-10-30 07:49:49
Freedom. Official freedom!
Капучино з пряниковим сиропом. Терміново!
2009-10-31 08:00:34
I keep going on easily. Strange dreams, really. And an ice-rink is delayed 'till next Saturday. Відплата, ха?
2009-11-03 11:25:25
You've fallen in love, right? And what should I do? Dunno '. But I can't speak to you so free again. I need to see the other one.
Кругом думки,
Центрифугою голова.
Нудотний запах лікарні,
Спаси мене звідси – ось моя благання.
2009-11-05 02:29:59
You still want me near you. As a what? Lover? Gosh, don't be so silly!
Evangelion 2.0 was great. But DVDRip for such an event … Awful. And it was cold outside.
I don't want to sleep. Because you are on the other side. No, you, the first one, is sleeping dreaming about your far future plans and I am talking to the second one!
Nothing happens. Nearly nothing. And I wanna meet your friends. Especially one of them. We both want. And I hope nobody will be on my way.
Brother, I tell you again: you are great and too cute to be real.
2009-11-05 15:06:58
Somebody kill me! She is sitting and chatting with a guy that has crush in her. And it's horrible! Because I don't have other way than sit near them …
Bad day. Waiting for your crying. You think that I give you promises. Mistake. Mistash. Misshoot. * Mierda, y que hago yo, hombre?
2009-11-06 08:10:26
I was too siliy, eh? But I want to be 'friends', not 'maybe still friends'. And what did you say? “Maybe not”??? I am the one here who decides 'yes' or 'no' in this situation! I am the ruler here!
Too sleepy to say to you goodbye. Sorry. Our meeting is delayed again. Horrible! Horrible! Horrible!
2009-11-16 11:41:02
Too many feelings. And thoughts too.
Being shy is like a curse. I'm running away.
Sick of my illness – mental and physical.
I saw you! And ran away again.
You are still waiting. Though I say to you 'NO!' everyday.
Do you know something? Oh, that's why you use dirty methods.
I divide you. 'The first one' and 'the second one'.
1. Too clever.
2. A little silly. Like me.
To 'the first one': stop talking, it's irritating.
To 'the second one': speak, I want to know you. Probably you don't?
Trying to fit in the situation. But I can't. I continue running away.
Час, припини відлітати.
І хочеться вити на місяць. © “Безсоння”

А так же :

Старый холодильник

Он и Она: бесконечный роман, безначальная мысль
Н.А. Каш Меня мучит мысль, что кто нибудь сможет прочесть эту книгу. Виктор Лапицкий Дарим тебе эту книжку с надеждой, что хоть ты прочитаешь ее, потому что из нас никто не смог ее осилить А. М. (Из истории одной из книг: Морис Бланшо «Последний человек») «Странные» отношения Он — Она вдруг обретают лицо: лицо истинности любого происходящего между ними процесса.

Тогда вам в Адвекс - недвижимость - агентство, в… http://goo.gl/fb/URtR #realty

Ina M. Kamaityt, Professor 12 December, 2001 Thousands of years ago people began to make alcohol for practical reasons. Wine making began with the early Egyptians who found that grape juise spoiled quickly, but that fermented juise or wine would keep without spoiling. They also had problems with impure water, and the Egyptians noticed that people did not sick ower  wine, but they often became ill when they drank inpure water.

Re: без кольцевого капота

Ситуации на стадии судебного разбирательства
Не утомляя Ваше внимание подробным рассмотрением процессуальных процедур судебного разбирательства, скажем только, что в результате их осуществления возникают ситуации, по сути, схожие с типичными ситуациями на предварительном расследовании, когда виновный в совершении хищения установлен. В срок не позднее 30 суток со дня поступления уголовного дела в суд, судья должен принять решение (вынести постановление) о назначении судебного заседания без предварительного слушания.

of creepy in that i’m really into anything “scary” and i’ve always been
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